ARchitecture / brussels museum
Master graduation project
Function: urbanism museum for the city of brussels
Location: Brussels
To study or observe an object, one needs to take distance from it.
But how to do when the object is a city? How can a museum exhibit a city, when it is itself a part of this city?
This building objective is to provide distance. Brussels will be lost and, after enough detours and time, found again. The city becomes then a surprising object.
All parts that are not exhibition spaces are pushed to the boundaries of the building and become a protective mass.
The museum hides in the middle. Openings and tunnels break through the mass, with, at their end, surprises: parts of the city they capture and display.
The entrance emerges as a surprise in the pavement. The visitor descends in a tunnel.
After walking through a long tunnel, the visitor arrives in the patio, in the center of the building, isolated. The sky is above, and paths on both sides appear to be the only way to reach it.
At the end of each path, surprises: small fragments of the city. The river, a neighbor wall, the pavement, the street.
Multiple layers provide openness on the borders and isolation in the middle.
The final exhibited object, on the roof, is a panorama. The city is seen as it really is: limitless and encompassing the user.