Collage series, 2022 ~ ...

After using ink wash for years, the new technique of collage allows me to bypass several limitations of that medium.
I work by selecting fragments of textures among different paintings and reassembling them, by addition or substraction, merging together or tearing apart, creating unexpected landscapes.
This technique not only transforms the composition and layout, but also the type of ink wash textures. I find I have more flexibility to experiment with new ways of controlling the ink, such as using the rice paper itself, which, when crumpled, can either imprint a pattern on the ink, or direct the flow of ink in its creases.
The landscapes are nearly abstract. I start each artwork without having a precise idea or what to paint, instead letting the landscape appear during the collage process. For example, during the composition of a previous artwork (Coral Reef), the way the paper fragments were arranged suddenly brought back memories of the East coast of Taiwan, in the early morning, when the sun rises above the waves crashing on the coral reef. I chose to develop the painting in that direction.
