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Paintings + Art book, 2020

This art book, published in 2020, is a collection of details taken from the Orchid island series of paintings, showing the yearly flying fish festival.
The text and images describe the festival from the point of view of a tourist unable relate to the celebration since he is an outsider - just like the nuclear waste stored on the eastern shore of the island.
The art is printed on translucent tracing paper, replicating the effect of the original rice paper used for the paintings.
這本藝術書出版於2020年,收錄了來自蘭嶼系列畫作的細節,展示了每年的飛魚季。文字和圖像描述了從一個無法理解慶祝活動的遊客角度所看到的節日,因為他是一個外來者 - 就像儲存在島東岸的核廢料一樣。藝術作品印刷在透明的描圖紙上,複製了原始稻草紙的效果,這也是用於繪畫的原材料。

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